duminică, 13 mai 2012


sub lupa timpului, co-incidenţele sunt nimic mai mult decât şoapte din partea sufletului, evidenţe ale matricei nevăzute pe ale cărei stringuri de lumină ne întindem voalurile conştiinţei. dacă secţionezi marea pe verticală în felii de mini-microni fiecare o să obţii o imagine cât de cât apropiată de ceea ce încerc să descriu. prin ele, secvenţe-peşti, fractali-meduze, intenţii-alge şi alte forme de manifestare trec, traversând câmpurile conştiinţei. conştiinţă intersect materie = magnetism, conştiinţă intersect raţiune = electricitate. electro-magnetismul inimii tale crează câmpul posibilităţilor în care pui gândul, visarea, intenţia. când le suprapui trăieşti în rai, când sunt decalate simţi că eşti în iad. de fapt, nu îţi modifici poziţia ci percepi raze de frecvenţe diferite, care nu sunt altceva decât stimuli ai totalităţii tale, indicatorii care îţi potrivesc o cărare sub picioare, markerii genetici care îţi re-dezvăluie acelaşi adevăr mereu: TU, o constelaţie matriceală de iubire şi infinit.


:: Editing/Grading : After Effects
:: Camera : Canon 5D Mk II
:: Lenses : Canon 16-35, 50, 100, 70-200
:: Slider : Glidetrack
:: Models : Justine & Arnaud
:: Music : The Cinematic Orchestra

Production : Nede

imaginea compusă devine lentilă bifocală prin care crăpătura pe care ţi-ai descoperit-o e şansa vieţii: pe acolo vine lumina!

A musical sculpture on the top of a hill looking across Burnley, Lancashire.

The architectural competition, for “all-seeing” structures on a number of derelict, high-point sites, was organised by Mid-Pennine Arts, for the regeneration of the Lancashire Regional Park. These sites all command outstanding views of the countryside. The brief was for a landmark and a shelter, a place from which the public can enjoy the landscape. The aim is to draw city residents into the beautiful landscape that surrounds them.

From Burnley the tree’s profile will be visible on the horizon. It will appear and disappear in the mist. As the wind blows the tree begins to sing. Stories of its song would pass from mouth to ear. In cars and on foot people would make their way from the city and up the hill. The journey would be made to hear the wind make music with the singing ringing tree.

The tree is constructed of stacked pipes of varying lengths. Each layer differs from the next by 15 degrees to respond to the changing wind directions. As the wind passes different length pipes in different layers it will play different chords. Each time you sit under the tree you will hear a different song.

Architects: Tonkin Liu

lagunele sufletului tău adăpostesc valuri de cunoaştere, brizanţi de iubire şi spume concentrice de bule de energie, peste care suprapui jocul mareilor şi velaturile curajoşilor care dau piept cu necunoscutul. ascultă paşii luminii!

Resonance is the vision of SR Partners; a collaborative project with over 30 independent visual and audio designers / studios. The aim was to explore the relationship between geometry and audio in unique ways.

This is my entry for the project. It follows an abstract form's life span. After it is being born, we can see it evolve into different states. It being influenced by external factors and repelling this. After which the final transition will take place.

For the audio I have collaborated with the talented Ben Lukas Boysen of Hecq.

The piece has been premiered at the OFFF 2011 festival in Barcelona and is also featured on Stash 81 as the Bonus Film. The film will also be played at Sonar, Pause Fest, Playground festival and Cutout fest.

The full project can now be seen here: http://vimeo.com/25186640

There are limited BluRay's and DVD's for the entire project at http://cargocollective.com/resonance#1198096/Get-the-film

Details for the complete project:

SEE || Displace Studios | Esteban Diacono | Heerko Groefsema | Jean-Paul Frenay | Jr.canest | KORB | Kultnation | Mate Steinforth | Matthias Müller | Momentary People | MRK | Murat Pak | Onur Senturk | Physalia studio | Polynoid | SR Partners | Thiago Maia | Tom Waterhouse | Tronic Studio | Spatial Harmonics Group

HEAR || Audionerve | Combustion | CypherAudio | David Kamp | Echolab | Hecq | Michael Fakesch | Mutant Jukebox | Radium Audio | Studio Takt | World Gang

şi ecoul a ceea ce eşti te conduce inevitabil în acelaşi loc, pe ţărmul stâncos, plin de scoici şi de plaoia de particule de iubire în care ne scăldăm de o eternitate. pe nisip, aripile îngerilor lasă dâre adânci, dezvelind elementele, creând mandale de lumină - seminţe pentru început. 
oricând, eşti un diapazon ce îşi propagă sunetul specific în toate colţurile universului tău, influenţând TOT cu muzica ta. nu uita!

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